Building a SharePoint 2007/2010 development environment – Part V: Guest Build

In the first four parts of this series I covered the project objectives and the system design, then turned my attention to the Hyper-V host image build and automated deployment. In this post I describe a SharePoint 2007 virtual machine build.

Where’s the SharePoint 2010 build?

In short, we’re working on it. I’ve produced a new SharePoint 2010 beta virtual machine for this environment but we’re not yet ready to publish build guidance. Stay tuned. Additionally… Continue reading “Building a SharePoint 2007/2010 development environment — Part V: Guest Build”

Custom STSADM command for BackConnectionHostNames

Gary Lapointe recently released a custom STSADM command for setting the BackConnectionHostNames registry key. The relevant Microsoft KB article recommends specifying each host header with the  BackConnectionHostNames key rather than disabling the loopback check, as this check is a valuable security fix. As Gary Lapointe mentions, Spencer Harbar put together some thorough background information on the roots of the fix. Without this command, setup and maintenance can be a bit of a hassle if you have lots of SharePoint applications or lots of Alternate Access Mappings (or if any of this information changes with any regularity). These registry changes need to be made on each web server for any sites with host headers. This includes Central Administration if it’s not configured on <servername:port>. So this could get quite laborious if the farm is fairly large. The UpdateFarm parameter may be particularly helpful in this regard.